
NZ Labour Market Testing – July Update

As Immigration NZ staff return to full strength, we are seeing a growing trend of case officer’s seeking updated labour market testing evidence.

Applications that were lodged pre-Covid had the LMT completed between December and February, but these applications are only now being assessed. As the labour market has changes drastically since the previous LMT was completed, case officers are requesting that further evidence is provided by employers to demonstrate that there are still no suitable NZders out there that can do the job. This would normally mean advertising the role again and in some cases relisting with Work and Income.

ANZSCO skill level 4-5 roles are at particular risk of further LMT being completed as Immigration NZ may consider that any NZder that applies for an ANZSCO level 5 role are suitable qualified to take up the position whether they have any relevant qualification or work experience or not. This will only be exacerbated with the end of the government’s wage subsidy in August as redundancies are expected to peak.

Higher skilled migrant workers may not be at as much risk as the lower skilled but as the effects of Covid continue, more and more kiwis from all different industries will be out of work. On top of this, we are seeing many kiwis return home, especially from Australia where there is very little access to social benefits.

Migrant workers and their supporting employers will need to be careful with how they are preparing their applications. Immigration NZ may probe further than they have done in the past to ensure that LMT is being completed correctly and fairly.

In other relevant news, Work and Income recently released their new online portal for employers to list their positions in order to obtain a Skills Match Report. The portal is a much-needed improvement on the process and also allows potential candidates to communicate directly with the employer.

About the author

Cameron is highly experienced in visa applications and spent over a decade as a Visa Officer for the Australian Consulate General in New Zealand.

Cameron is a licensed NZ immigration adviser as well as an Australian Registered Migration Agent.

Cameron has extensive experience with assisting NZ businesses to look after their migrant teams as well as managing approval in principal and accreditation applications. He also specialises in employer assisted NZ work visas, as well as SMC and other residence visas.

Cameron Gray - Licensed Immigration Adviser

IAA 201301155
MARN 1791819

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