Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) For Skilled Migrants
The Accredited Employer Work Visa has replaced a number of other New Zealand work visas, and is aimed at skilled migrants. The approach is employer-led, meaning that companies must first gain employer accreditation, and then conduct a job check before recruitment can begin.
For non-NZ residents and citizens wishing to work in New Zealand, it means that they cannot apply for a work visa (AEWV) until the employer has completed all the steps in the process, and has become an INZ accredited employer.
VisaAide works with organisations on employer accreditations, job checks, visa advice, and visa applications. And our partner companies at People Inc can manage the entire international recruitment process for you, and ensure your HR procedures are compliant.
We also help employers and individuals with Accredited Employer Work Visa advice and applications.
Overview of the Accredited Employer Work Visa
Previously, approved AEWVs were valid for five years, unless the employee was paid below the median wage. From April 2024, ANZSCO level 4 and 5 occupations will now be valid for two years, with the ability to apply for a further one-year visa with a new job check. ANZSCO level 1 to 3 occupations will remain valid for 5 years. The employee must be paid at least the February 2023 median wage. The employer must be accredited and guarantee full-time employment with a minimum of 30 hours of work a week.
The AEWV ties the holder to the employer who offered the job – and that’s for the entire duration of the work visa. If you’re an AEWV holder and your situation changes you’ll need to vary the conditions of your visa, or apply for a new visa. Contact us if you need help or advice with this.
The Accredited Employer Work Visa also allows you to study for up to three months in a year, or undertake any study that’s required as part of your employment in New Zealand.
In some instances, the AEWV could pave the way to a permanent NZ resident visa. If you’re hoping to make your move to New Zealand long-term or permanent, please contact us for immigration advice.
Do you need help with Accredited Employer Work Visas?
We specialise in New Zealand visas – contact us for up-to-date advice.