Refused Australian visa? Here are your options

Having your application refused for an Australian visa is understandably stressful and may leave you feeling confused and disheartened. We get it – but know that you may still have some options to consider. Whether it’s a Bridging Visa, Student Visa, or any other subclass. 

What if your visa is cancelled while you’re in Australia?

If you’re already in Australia and your visa is cancelled, you need to act fast. There’s usually a fairly short deadline – so you either need to leave the country, or apply for another visa by the cut-off date. If you miss the deadline, you may have an exclusion period imposed. This would mean you wouldn’t be granted another visa for a certain time period, or face a re-entry ban. 

What options are there after a refused Australian visa?

If you’ve been refused an Australian visa, there are a number of options. While time may be ticking, it’s important that you get the correct advice on your options, and how you could present a stronger application next time.

  • Submit a stronger application: It is worth exploring if you could lodge a new application that’s stronger. This may involve waiting for your circumstances to change sufficiently to enable the stronger submission.  
  • Make a complaint: If you believe that the Australian Department of Home Affairs didn’t follow their own processes when they refused visas, you may have the grounds for a complaint.  
  • Appeal your decision: You may be able to apply to the Australian Administrative Appeal Tribunal (AAT) to review your visa decision. 

Can you apply for another visa after refusal?

In some situations, it may be possible to apply for another visa. Just be aware that you have to declare any cancelled or refused visas in future applications.  

Do you need help with a refused Australian visa? 

We specialise in Australian visas – contact us for up-to-date advice. 
