New Zealand Work Visas

Immigration New Zealand made sweeping changes to New Zealand work visas in 2021 and 2022, by combining many previous types of visas into one new visa process: the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV).

The AEWV is an employer-led system. This means employers must first be registered and approved by Immigration New Zealand (this process is called Accreditation), and then apply for a job check to ensure the role they wish to recruit cannot be done by New Zealanders. Only if that’s approved can a migrant worker apply for a New Zealand work visa.

At first this employer-led approach may appear frustrating to those who wish to work in New Zealand, but we do have good news! Keep reading to discover your other New Zealand work visa options.

Other New Zealand work visas

There are some New Zealand work visas that aren’t impacted by the AEWV process. These are as follows – and if you’re wondering if you may be eligible for any of these visas, please book a consultation with us:

Work and Holiday Visa for Australia
Working Holiday Visas

Young citizens of many countries are able to work or study in New Zealand with a working holiday visa.

Partnership Based Visas

You may be eligible for a work visa because of your partner’s status. Available visas include the Partner of a Student Work Visa, the Partner of a Worker Work Visa. Read more about New Zealand partnership visas.

Recognised Seasonal Employer Limited Visa

Work in the horticulture and viticulture industries for a short time – note that you must have a job offer before you apply.

Occupation Based Work Visas

There are special visa categories for performing artists, singers, support crew, athletes, coaches, referees, academics, entrepreneurs, religious workers, visiting media, Thai chefs, Japanese interpreters, and other occupations. Contact us to see if there’s a suitable work visa option based on your occupation.

Business Visitor Visas

Stay in New Zealand for up to 3 months for business purposes.

Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa

Key employees of businesses relocating to New Zealand are offered a route to potential permanent residency, if they work for their employer for at least 24 months after relocating.

Residency Visas

Consider making your move to New Zealand a permanent one with a New Zealand residence visa.

Specialist migrant recruiters

If you don’t fit any of the above categories for a New Zealand work visa, contact a specialist migrant recruiter, such as our People Inc partner company, RecruitNZ. The People Inc group of companies work together seamlessly to bring skilled workers to New Zealand, covering everything from employer accreditation through to managing visa applications.

Check out RecruitNZ’s current vacancies, or register as a job seeker.

Do you need help with your New Zealand work visa?

We specialise in New Zealand visas – contact us for up-to-date advice.
